Gradle Tutorial

Steps to install gradle:

1. To check if Gradle is installed: type "gradle -v" in command prompt or "gradle -version"

2. Download gradle binary file from

3. Add Environment variable:

GRADLE_HOME with path to bin folder C:\Users\Kunal\Desktop\Krunal\Gradle\gradle-6.8-bin\gradle-6.8\bin

i.e. path where gradle binary file is saved in local computer

4. Also add the path to PATH variable.

5. Check if gradle is installed by typing gradle -version from cmd prompt.

Start using Gradle with Eclipse:

1. Install Gradle plugin in Eclipse
2. Add Gradle location in Eclipse
3. Create a new Gradle project
4. Add Gradle dependencies

1. Install Gradle plugin in Eclipse:

- Go to Help>>Eclipse Marketplace >> Search Gradle and hit Enter
- Install BuildShip Gradle integration (the one with an Elephant symbol)
- Restart Eclipse

2. Add Gradle location in Eclipse:

- Go to Windows>>Preferences>>Click on Gradle>>Click on local installation directory
and Enter the path where gradle is downloaded. 

3. Add new file to any project with name "build.gradle" and run as Gradle build

Run configurations:


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