Jenkins CICD in One Page


 Jenkins Architecture:

  • Jenkins follows a Master/Slave architecture where master and slave communicate over TCP/IP protocol
  • Jenkins Architecture has 2 main components:
1. Jenkins Master/Server          2. Jenkins Slave/Node/Build Server

1. Jenkins Master:

  • The Main Server of Jenkins i.e. the brains is the Jenkins Master
  • It is a dashboard which is powered from a war file
  • Runs on port 8080 by default
  • With the help of the dashboard we can configure the jobs/projects but the build takes places in the Node/Slave server
  • By default one node is configured and running in Jenkins Server
  • We can add more nodes using IP addresses, username, passwords using jnlp, ssh or webstart methods

The main job of server is:

  • Scheduling build jobs
  • Dispatching builds to the nodes/slaves for actual execution
  • Monitoring the nodes/slaves
  • Recording and Presenting the build results
  • A Master/Server instance of Jenkins can execute build jobs as well i.e. it can also act as a node itself

2. Jenkins Slave:

  • The Jenkins slave is used to execute the build jobs dispatched by the Master.
  • We can configure a project to always run on a 
       - Specific slave machine (like QA234)
       -  A Particular type of slave machine (Like Win, Mac, Linux)
       - Or Let Jenkins pick the next available Jenkins Slave/Node
  • Jenkins is developed using Java platform hence, Jenkins Master and Slave Nodes can be configured in any environments like Mac, Linux, Windows


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