Test Plan

Test Plan is a detailed document that describes the test strategy, objectives, schedule, estimation, deliverables, and resources required to perform testing for a software product.

 Test plan is a document that guides you on testing the application

Created by Test Manager/Test Lead.

1.0  INTRODUCTIONA brief summary of the product being tested. Outline all the functions at a high level.


Describe the objectives supported by the Master Test Plan, eg., defining tasks and responsibilities, vehicle for communication, document to be used as a service level agreement, etc.

3.0 SCOPE: Defines what to be tested what not to be tested.

4.0 TESTING STRATEGY: Describes the overall approach to testing.

The approach should be defined in detail.

4.1 Unit testing

Definition: Define Unit testing with respect to the product

Participants: List the names/designations of people responsible for unit testing

Methodology: Describe how unit testing will be conducted.

4.2 System and Integration testing: 

Definition: Define what is your understanding of System and Integration testing with respect to the product.


Who will be conducting System and Integration Testing on your project? List the individuals that will be responsible for this activity. 


Describe how System & Integration testing will be conducted. Who will write the test scripts for the unit testing, what would be sequence of events of System & Integration Testing, and how will the testing activity take place?

4.3 Performance & Stress testing:

Definition: List what is your understanding of Stress Testing for your project.

Participants: Who will be conducting Stress Testing on your project? List the individuals that will be responsible for this activity.

Methodology: Describe how Performance & Stress testing will be conducted. Who will write the test scripts for the testing.

4.4        User Acceptance Testing 

Definition: The purpose of acceptance test is to confirm that the system is ready for operational use. During acceptance test, end-users (customers) of the system compare the system to its initial requirements.

Participants: Who will be responsible for User Acceptance Testing? List the individuals' names and responsibility.

Methodology: Describe how the User Acceptance testing will be conducted. Who will write the test scripts for the testing

4.5        Automated Regression Testing 

Definition: Regression testing is the selective retesting of a system or component to verify that modifications have not caused unintended effects and that the system or component still works as specified in the requirements.

Participants, Methodology..


Hardware requirements: What are the Hardware requirements where the product is to be tested.

Software requirements: Softwares that will be required to support the product like storage servers, file servers etc.


Define the tasks and the time or effort required to complete the tasks.


Specify the staff members who are involved in the test project and what their roles are going to be (for example, Mary Brown (User) compile Test Cases for Acceptance Testing). Identify groups responsible for managing, designing, preparing, executing, and resolving the test activities as well as related issues. Also identify groups responsible for providing the test environment. These groups may include developers, testers, operations staff, testing services, etc.


Identify the deliverable documents. You can list the following documents:

-    Test Plan

-    Test Cases

-    Test Incident Reports

-    Test Summary Reports 


Identify the high-risk assumptions of the test plan. Specify contingency plans for each (for example, delay in delivery of test items might require increased night shift scheduling to meet the delivery date).

10.0 TOOLS

List the Automation tools you are going to use. List also the Bug tracking tool here.


List the approvals that will be required from whom before release to prod or uat.

12. Entry and Exit criteria for each type of testing activity:

Define the entry and exit criteria for all testing activities like Unit testing, Integration testing, system testing and UAT. Give the definition of done for a particular activity.


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