Test Estimation/Factors to consider while providing estimation for testing a story, Planning Poker

Story Point Estimation technique used in Agile (Planning poker)

During the Sprint backlog meeting the stories are pulled from the product backlog into the Sprint backlog. The stories are then sized using Planning poker method in Agile.

The Planning Poker is a consensus based technique and is used to size the stories (in terms of story point) or effort estimate (in terms of days).

The following are the steps followed by the team while using the Planning Poker technique:

  1. Product Owner explains the story and its acceptance criteria in detail
  2. Team discusses the work involved and asks questions to the Product Owner
  3. Everyone estimates individually without getting influenced by others.
  4. Each team member selects a poker card that reflects their estimate of the effort required for that story
  5. Everyone reveals their estimates simultaneously.
  6. Team members who voted with the lowest and highest estimates explain their reasoning behind their estimation and any misunderstanding of scope is neutralized.
  7. After discussion, the team members reselect the cards to reflect their estimates based current discussion.
  8. Take the agreement of final number as the team estimate.
  9. Repeat the process for all the stories in the Sprint backlog.


Test estimation means providing a rough estimate on time, effort and resources required to test the Story. 

While giving test estimation for a story, a Tester must consider all levels of STLC and the activities that are done in each phase.

i.e. Requirement anlysis, Test Planning, Test Design, Test Environment setup, Test execution and Test closure activities

Other factors to consider are

1. Time required for test environment setup.

2. Time required for test data setup.

3. Time required to analyse the story (i.e. Complexity of the story)

4. Time required for regression

5. Number of resources available to test the feature.

6. Communication (If a story is not fully finalized it may require to communicate on a large scale.

7. Retesting the bugs

8. Creating delivery documents like Test document.


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