Questions asked in Interviews - 2020

1. What is localiztion and globalization testing.

2. What is a data driven framework adn Keyword driven framework?What are the differences?

3. Methods used in REST API Testing? (GET, POST, DELETE)

4. Defect life cycle

5. Give an example where a bug can be said as invalid?

6. Explain automation framework.

7. Which type of framework did you use?

8. Difference between Keyword driven and Data driven framework

9. How do you prioritize test cases in testNG?

10. How do you run only selected test cases in testNG (Without using groups)

11. What if a developer says that it is not a bug? what will you do? Ans: Escalate this to Product owner.

12. How do you switch back to the first tab in selenium.

RAI Advisory Interview questions:

1. Click on a button in an Iframe

2. Explain the package structure of you project.

3. Types of Waits in selenium

4. What if you land on a page and using selenium driver.get() and it shows an error popup saying the site is not secure..How will

you handle this scenario?

5. TestNG.xml file hierarchy

6. What is the default execution order in TestNG? How can you manage execution order in TestNG? from where does the 

priority start from? does it start from 0? What if i give -1 as priority?

7. How will you click on a specific date on a date picker?

8. What are the 2 important files required for Running tests in Cucumber?

9. Have you done rest-api automation?

10. Explain dataprovider

11. List the Selenium errors/exceptions you have faced while working

12. What is staleElementException and how to handle it?

13. What is DesiredCapabilities in selenium?

14. What library did you use to implement logs in your project?

15. How do you scroll in selenium?

16. What are listeners in Selenium/TestNG?

17. How do display CURRENT_DATE in JAVA? Say you want to enter the current system date in a textbox, how will you do it?'

18. Difference between a List and Set in JAVA Collections?

UdChalo (Upcurve Interview questions):

1. What is cyclomatic complexity?

2. How will you handle multiple frames using recurion?

3. What is same origin policy? and How to handle it?

4. How to check if a webpage is responsive? i.e. How will I check if a webpage looks good on a tablet/ipad/phone/pc?

5. Drawbacks of Selenium?

6. How do I find out if an image on the page is broken?

7. What is cylomatic complexity?

8. What is Pesticide paradox?

Major Brains Questions:

1. What is rest and soap api?
2. What is http?
3. Which is the most used web server? Ans: Apache Tomcat
4. What is a web server?


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