
Showing posts from January, 2021

Rest Assured Tutorial

 Follow this link:

Gradle Tutorial

Steps to install gradle: 1. To check if Gradle is installed: type "gradle -v" in command prompt or "gradle -version" 2. Download gradle binary file from 3. Add Environment variable: GRADLE_HOME with path to bin folder C:\Users\Kunal\Desktop\Krunal\Gradle\gradle-6.8-bin\gradle-6.8\bin i.e. path where gradle binary file is saved in local computer 4. Also add the path to PATH variable. 5. Check if gradle is installed by typing gradle -version from cmd prompt. Start using Gradle with Eclipse: Steps: 1. Install Gradle plugin in Eclipse 2. Add Gradle location in Eclipse 3. Create a new Gradle project 4. Add Gradle dependencies 1. Install Gradle plugin in Eclipse: - Go to Help>>Eclipse Marketplace >> Search Gradle and hit Enter - Install BuildShip Gradle integration (the one with an Elephant symbol) - Restart Eclipse 2. Add Gradle location in Eclipse: - Go to Windows>>Preferences>>Click on Gradle>>Click on local installation directo

Generics in Java

Watch following video for Generics:

Git hub Cheat sheet


Git hub notes and Tutorials link

Source : Notes from the video tutorial:  1. git diff: This command compares files from your working tree to the files in Staging area. 2. git diff --staged: This command compares files from Staging area to the last commit. 3. git add -A: Add all files to the staging area 4. git commit -m "Test message": Commit changes from staging area 5. git status 6. git log 7. git checkout -f: Change files from your working tree to match the files in the last commit 8. git commit -a -m "Test message": Commit all the changes in your working tree without putting them in staging area. i.e. This skips the step of adding the  files to staging area (not recommended) 9. ls: Lists all the files in the directory 10. git rm --cached FILENAME: removes file from staging area. 11. git rm FILENAME: Deletes file from working directory. 12. Scenario: How to Delete a file from master which you added by mistake?  git rm FILENAME //Removes file from worki