Github Tutorials

Tutorial 01:

Github is a distributed source code version system.

- It stores revisions to a project History in just one directory.

- One can rewind to any revision they want to

- Work on new features without messing up the main code base (by using branching)

- Makes it easier to collaborate with other developers. (Each person has it's own copy of the project on their local machines.)

Tutorial 02:

Configuring Git for the first time:
1. To Check git version:

cmd: git --version

2. Configure user:


git config --global krunalkadu
git config --global

3. To check the username with which you are currently logged in:

git config

4. To list files in a directory:

cmd: ls

5. Create a file:
cmd: touch index.html

6. Delete a file:
rm index.html

Commits are like Savepoints. One can later rewind to a previous savepoint/commit

When you are done changes to a file and you want to commit it later, you can move it to staging and then commit it later.

Tutorial 03: Initializing a repository

- You can initialize a repository in Git by using command in the project directory:
   git init
- You will see that there a .git folder will be created in the location. All the changes in this project will now be recorded in this .git folder.

Tutorial 04: How to move files to staging.

Whenever, you make changes to a file and want to later commit them you can move them to staging and commit them later.



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