Software Test Life Cycle (STLC)

Definition: It is a sequence of activities conducted during the testing process to ensure software quality goals are met.






Requirement analysis

1. Story is defined properly.

2. Acceptance criteria is clearly mentioned.

1. QA interacts with stakeholders to understand the requirements in detail.

2. Identify the type of testing that will be required(Functional or non-functional)

3. Identify test environment details.

4. Prepare RTM

5. Identify automation feasibility.

1. RTM is ready

2. Automation Feasibility report is done.

1. RTM

2. Automation feasibility report.

Test Planning: The senior QA Manager determines the test strategy, efforts & estimations for the project. Resources, test envmt and testing schedule is also determined. Test plan is prepared and finalized in this phase.

1. RTM

2. Test automation feasibility report.

1. Prepare test plan/strategy doc.

2. Test tool selection

3. Test effort estimation

4. Resource planning and defining roles & responsibilities.

5. Training requirement.

Test plan is approved.(By Product owner)

1. Test plan/Strategy document.

Test Design

1. RTM

2. Automation feasibility report.

3. Test plan

1. Test data is created.

2. Identify and create test case document.

1. Test cases are reviewed & signed off

2. Test data is reviewed & signed-off

1. Test data

2. Test case document.

Test Environment setup

1. System design and architecture docs are available.

2. Environment setup plan is available.

1. Understand and list down the Hardware & Software requirements.

2. Setup environment and Test data.

3. Perform smoke test on the build

1. Environment is ready with Test data.

2. Smoke tests are done & successful.

1. Test environment with test data.

2. Smoke test results.

Test execution

1. RTM, Test plan, Test cases, Test environment, Test data is ready.

2. Unit testing is done.

1. Execute tests as per plan.

2. Document test results and log defects.

3. Map defects to test cases in RTM.

4. Retest defect fixes.

1. All planned tests are executed.

2. Defects are logged and closed.

1. Test cases updated with results.

2. RTM updated with execution status.

3. Defect reports.

Test cycle closure

1. Testing has been completed.

2. Test results are available.

3. Defect logs are available

1. Evaluate cycle completion criteria based on – Time, Test Coverage, Cost, Software Quality, Critical Business Objectives

2. Testing team members meet, discuss and analyze testing artifacts to identify strategies that have to be implemented in future, taking lessons from current test cycle. The idea is to remove process bottlenecks for future test cycles.

3. Prepare Test closure report

4. Document the learning out of the project

Test Closure report signed off by Client.

1. Test closure report.


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