Sample Test Plan



Table of Contents


The Test Plan has been created to communicate the test approach to team members. It includes the objectives, scope, schedule, risks and approach. This document will clearly identify what the test deliverables will be and what is deemed in and out of scope.


Test Case Tamer is a web-based Test Management tool used to create and store tests as well as the results of running those tests. This tool is a new product written with Ruby on Rails using a ‘mysql’ database. The test team is responsible for testing the product and ensuring it meets their needs. The test team is both the customer and the tester in this project.

Phase 1 of the project will deliver TCT (Test Case Tamer) with functionality to create and store manual tests. This will allow the test team to start transferring tests over to the new system. Must have functionality is considered more important than the delivery date in this project.

1.2Team Members

    Resource Name


2. Scope

The initial phase will include all ‘must have’ requirements. These and any other requirements that get included must all be tested. At the end of Phase 1, a tester must be able to:

  1. Create a manual test with as many steps as necessary

  2. Save it

  3. Retrieve it and have the ability to view it when running the test

  4. Enter results and appropriate comments

  5. View results

As the team works with the product they will define the needs for the second phase.

Load testing will not be considered part of this project since the user base is known and not an issue.

Rewriting, moving or porting existing test cases from the existing Word documents is not considered part of this project.

3. Assumptions / Risks


This section lists assumptions that are made specific to this project.

  1. Delivery of the product is in format that the test team can check it into CVS.

3.2 Risks

The following risks have been identified and the appropriate action identified to mitigate their impact on the project. The impact (or severity) of the risk is based on how the project would be affected if the risk was triggered. The trigger is what milestone or event would cause the risk to become an issue to be dealt with.





Mitigation Plan


    Scope Creep – as testers become more familiar with the tool, they will want more functionality


Delays in implementation date

Each iteration, functionality will be closely monitored. Priorities will be set and discussed by stakeholders. Since the driver is functionality and not time, it may be necessary to push the date out.


Changes to the functionality may negate the tests already written and we may loose test cases already written

High – to schedule and quality

Loss of all test cases

Export data prior to any upgrade, massage as necessary and re-import after upgrade.


    Weekly delivery is not possible because the developer works off site


Product did not get delivered on schedule


4. Test Approach

The project is using an agile approach, with weekly iterations. At the end of each week the requirements identified for that iteration will be delivered to the team and will be tested.

Exploratory testing will play a large part of the testing as the team has never used this type of tool and will be learning as they go. Tests for planned functionality will be created and added to TCT as we get iterations of the product.

4.1 Test Automation

Automated unit tests are part of the development process, but no automated functional tests are planned at this time.

5. Test Environment

A new server is required for the web server, the application and the database.

6. Milestones / Deliverables

6.1 Test Schedule

The initial test schedule follows……….

Task Name





Test Planning

Review Requirements documents

2 d

Create initial test estimates

1 d

Staff and train new test resources

First deploy to QA test environment

Functional testing – Iteration 1

Iteration 2 deploy to QA test environment

Functional testing – Iteration 2

System testing

Regression testing


Resolution of final defects and final build testing

Deploy to Staging environment

Performance testing

Release to Production

6.2 Deliverables



Date / Milestone

Test Plan

Project Manager; QA Director; Test Team

Traceability Matrix

Project Manager; QA Director

Test Results

Project Manager

Test Status report

QA Manager, QA Director


All team members


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