TestNG HandMade Notes


 How To Install Test NG:

- Go to TestNG.org

- Click on eclipse

- Copy the link give on the page: https://dl.bintray.com/testng-team/testng-eclipse-release/

- Go to Eclipse >> Click help >> select install new software >> paste the url in "Add with" box >> click on Add >> Finish


# All TestNG annotations:



# Normally to run a java class you need a main method.

But when u run TestNG.xml it runs without the java compiler

# Adding testNG.xml to a project

Right click on project >> Click on TestNG >> Convert to TestNG


#Hierarchy of TestNG.xml file:

<suite name="Regression Suite">

<test name= "UI validations">


<class name="tests.BasicsDay1"/>





# How to exclude a method from test execution without removing or commenting the method from your test Class?

<suite name = "Regression">



<class name = "tests.TestClass1"> 


<exclude name = "testMethod1"/>







<suite name = "Regression suite">

<test name = "UI validations">


<class name = "tests.TestClass1" >


<include name = "testMethod2"/> // this will run only the mentioned test and other test methods in the test class will be skipped.






# Excluding or Including a test Method in a test Class from being executed using Regex in TestNG.xml:
*The following code excludes all methods in the test Class starting with "API"

<suite name="Regression Suite">

<test name="UI validations">


<class name="tests.testClass2">


<exclude name="API.*" />







# How to Run all tests in a package?

- Add packages tag in testNg.xml as follows:

<suite name="Regression Suite">

<test name="UI validations">


<package name="tests" />





# How do I group test cases in TestNG. For example there is a set of tests that I want to run as a part of Smoke Tests.

Ans:- You can use the <groups> tag in TestNG.xml to include a group.






<include name = "Smoke">  // This will run only methods where groups = "Smoke"




<class name = "tests.testClass1">

<class name = "tests.testClass2">






@Test(groups = {"Smoke"})

public void m1(){

 System.out.println("Test method");




# By Default the Order of Execution of TestNG methods is Alphabetical


# Helper attributes in TestNG: groups, dependsOnMethods etc.


# What if a test case in TestNG is dependent on other Test case i.e bebute.fore executing a test case u wan't some other test case to be executed first?

Ans: You can use the dependsOnMethods attribute which will first execute the methods mentioned by the attri


Class TestClass1{

public void SQLvalidations() {

System.out.println("Test method m1");


@Test(dependsOnMethods= {"SQLvalidations"})

public void APItest() {

System.out.println("Test method m2");



public void uiValidations() {

System.out.println("Test method m3");


@Test(dependsOnMethods= {"APItest","uiValidations"})  // Here APItest and uiValidations methods will run before this method

public void otherValidations() {

System.out.println("Test method m4");


--> Here SQLvalidations method will run before the APItest method.


#Suppose there is a test method which you want to skip?

Ans: use enabled attribute in testNG.


@Test(enabled = false)

public void testMethod1(){



#Parameterized tests using testNG:

- Suppose you want to send a value as parameter to all tests.

 Parameters like appn URL which is common for all tests, you can use parameter tag in testNG.xml and @Parameters annotation in the test Class.





<parameter name = "URL" value = "https://www.google.com"/>

<parameter name = "username" value = "kadu"/>


<class name = "tests.testClass1">




 - TestClass1{


@Parameters(String url, String username, String password)


public void m1(String url, String username, String password){

System.out.println("Parameter url: "+url);


public void m2(){}



 --> O/p: Parameter url: https://www.google.com


# DataProvider in testNG:

public class ExcelData {

// Pls note here DataProvider method is in different Class:

@DataProvider(name = "ExcelDataProvider")

public static Object[][] getData() {

Object data[][] = new Object[3][2];

data[0][0] = "krunal";

data[0][1] = "xyz*123";

data[1][0] = "pallavi";

data[1][1] = "pal@123";

data[2][0] = "alka";

data[2][1] = "al@145";

return data;



//The following method will run 3 times as the dataProvider returns an object array of 3 rows and 2 columns

@Test(dataProvider = "ExcelDataProvider", dataProviderClass = ExcelData.class)

public void APItest1(String username, String password) {

System.out.println("APItest1 testClass2");

System.out.println("usernmame: "+username);

System.out.println("password: "+password);



#Listeners in TestNG:

- If you want to write some code to take a screenshot on test failure or anything like that you can use the ITestListener Interface in TestNG

- If you want to use Listeners you must implement the ITestListener interface.

ITestListener interface has following methods which should be overriden by the implemented class:

onTestStart(): An onTestStart() is invoked only when any test method gets started.

onTestSuccess(): An onTestSuccess() method is executed on the success of a test method.

onTestFailure(): An onTestFailure() method is invoked when test method fails.

onTestSkipped(): An onTestSkipped() run only when any test method has been skipped.

onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(): This method is invoked each time when the test method fails but within success percentage.

onStart(): An onStart() method is executed on the start of a <test> tag

onFinish(): An onFinish() method is executed on end of a <test> tag


Q. How do you run only selected test cases in testNG.

Ans:- There are 3 ways to do so:

1. By using enabled Helper attribute.


Sample testng script to run the class.

<suite name = "Suite">

   <test name = "test">



         <class name = "TestClass" />





Second method is to setup the group details at Test annotation.

2. By using groups in TestNG:

@Test(group = {functionalTest} )

Sample script to run the class

<suite name = "Suite">

   <test name = "test">   



            <include name = "functionalTest" />




         <class name = "TestClass" />




3. Without using annotation , we can skip few cases in selenium testing by following the script in testng Suite

   With Include Option:

<suite name = "Suite"> 

   <test name = "test">   


         <class name = "TestClass">


<include name= "FirstCase"/>

<include name= "SecondCase"/>

<include name= "ThirdCase"/>






OR With Exclude Option:

<suite name = "Suite"> 

   <test name = "test">   


         <class name = "TestClass">


<exclude name= "FourthCase"/>

<exclude name= "FifthCase"/>







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